FLH Fellowship Apply



The Fannie Lou Hamer Fellowship Program

How to Apply.


If you serve as a supervisor, mentor, or former supervisor/mentor and would like to nominate a candidate for the Fannie Lou Hamer Fellowship, please submit the following information to FLHfellowship@sandlerphillipscenter.com:

  • Name, 

  • Contact information (email and phone number)

  • Statement of recommendation answering the following questions (500 words or less):

    • How do you know this person?

    • What makes this person stand out? 

    • How has this person been a standard bearer for the progressive movement? 

Once nominated, candidates will be asked to complete a short application with personal details and a short statement of interest.


To apply directly to the Fannie Lou Hamer Fellowship, please submit a short application with personal details, a statement of interest, and a letter of recommendation from a former supervisor or mentor here.

Deadline for applications is Friday, April 10.

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